Papi Juice stands in total solidarity with the people of Palestine, who continue to suffer under violent Western neo-colonial legacies and the government of Israel, and who are demanding a liberated ancestral home, free of genocide, settler colonial occupation, and cultural erasure. 

As artists, musicians and gatherers of people, we will fight alongside Palestinian organizers and communities until all Palestinians have secured the right to return home. 

Papi Juice commits to adhering to the Palestinian international call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) and to complying with the guidelines of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI):

• Boycott any cultural product commissioned by an official Israeli body

• Boycott any cultural product funded by an official Israeli body, even if not commissioned

• Boycott any cultural event that is partially or fully sponsored or funded by an official Israeli body

• Refrain from participation in any form of academic and cultural cooperation, collaboration, or joint projects with Israeli institutions, including suspension of all forms of funding and subsidies to/from these institutions

• Refrain from hosting or circulating any events or cultural products operating under the auspices of “normalization,” or which advance a false symmetry between oppressed and oppressor

• Support Palestinian academic and cultural institutions directly without requiring them to partner with Israeli counterparts as an explicit or implicit condition for such support

To be clear, Papi Juice denounces any kind of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and the comparison of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. This is not a boycott of individual Israeli writers and artists, but a boycott of the government of Israel. Any actor or cultural institution acting on behalf of the state of Israel or in efforts to change its image will be subject to this boycott. 

More and more cultural organizations and tens of thousands of artists worldwide are endorsing PACBI’s 2004 call, which adheres to the BDS movement’s anti-racist principles and its targeting of institutions, not individuals, and of complicity, not identity. Visit their site or reach out to to find out how you can join.

From the River to The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un to all of the martyrs. 

Viva Viva Palestina